Seeded Lawn
To ensure germination, it is important to keep newly seeded lawn uniformly hydrated. Light irrigation 2 or 3 times per day may be necessary, particularly in hot, dry weather for the first few weeks after installation. Newly sown seed is easily disturbed by hard rain and heavy-handed irrigation. The straw, or paper fibers in the case of hydroseed, is intended to keep the seed in place for germination and slow evaporation during establishment. In most cases, you will not need to remove these materials once the lawn is established. Rarely, the string from straw mats may require cutting to avoid entanglement in mower blades. You should begin to see lawn seed germinating, typically, within 7-14 days. Once the new grass begins to form seed tops, it is mature enough to begin mowing. At this time, irrigation can be gradually reduced. To help gauge the amount of irrigation your new lawn requires, take a look at it during the heat of the day. If it seems to be wilting or the soil seems especially dry, you may need to provide supplemental irrigation. Keep in mind that your lawn should never be soggy or squishy. This only impedes strong root development and promotes disease. Plan ahead with your lawn care provider to determine an appropriate mowing, fertilization, and weed control program.